Saturday, July 20, 2013

Chrome version 28 rolled out, now uses blink, notifications for Windows

Google has released version 28 of its Chrome browser with a new notification center initially available in the Windows version.


Tech site The Next Web said the notification has been available on Google's Chrome OS for a while, even as Mac users may have to wait for it.


?We?ve designed these notifications to be beautiful, useful and engaging,? it quoted Google as saying.


It said the updated Chrome will allow notifications from apps and extensions to be formatted to display text and images and include actions directly inside the pop-up.


The Next Web pointed out this is the first release of Chrome that has Blink instead of WebKit.


On the other hand, it said Chrome for Linux already hit version 28 ahead of Windows and Mac, last June 17.




The Next Web said rich notifications may be a game changer since they display content like lists and images, and allow users to act directly on them.


"Furthermore, notifications now live in a center outside the browser, which allows users to receive notifications even when the browser isn?t open," it said.


It added the notification center could be the key to bringing Google Now to the desktop.


"If you?re a developer, you can start building your own rich notifications into your app or extension too. Google has a Notify Test App and documenation for you to peruse over. The company is also taking feedback and offering support over at Stack Overflow, its mailing list, and issue tracker," it added. ?? ELR, GMA News


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