Monday, September 3, 2012

Glory Yol Auditions



What is Glory Yol? It means Glory Road. What is the Glory Road? Its the path each young or old warrior has to take on their journey to full fledged warrior. Easy right? Not at all. That road is filled with danger, mythical monsters and demons. Glory Yol was an idea I got listening to two steps from hell. I thought about making a manga. If I got animaters, I could get an anime. I am looking for dedicated writers, skilfull artists, amazing animatings, and great people to turn it into the manga. Wait wait wait. Before I get even more into the auditions, I would like to cover more ground on this world. It is steam punk, mixed with demon era. This is the sort of thing where you see a princess who you think will not be able to kill this 9' goblin, and cut through him like butter. There will be an airship that is worth the titanic, and if we wanted to, shoot it down. We are going to see swords, western like guns, and oads of killing people with them. The series is about an angel princess with a sword that can cut through any thing, and the sword was stolen. Now her and the people escorting her must get it back, and find others along the way to help, or to fight. Now you auditions. What we need is writers to work on the coming up roleplay for this, and we need artists to turn the roleplay into the manga, animaters to turn it into an anime, and I think thats it.

Artists: your task is to draw out two characters: The princess and the first mate. The Princess has long hair down to her shoulders, and my stepsister who insists to play as the princess wants at least medium large breasts, and the outfit is up to you. The first mate needs to have brown, long or short, does not matter, long sleeve button up shirt with a tie. Colour adds points.

Writers: I would like to get a character discription from you, the best you can come up with, and a little about two minute at the least script introducing him/her. Sticking to the theme adds points.

Animaters: I know there is probably not many out there, but the task is to make a character for your self, two actually, and animate a fight. One of theme being killed adds points.


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